Catholic Links

Here are the pages I view frequently–the online resources which deeply enrich my theology and provide a helpful Catholic perspective on current events.


This isn’t about current events, but the ever ancient, ever new prayer of the people of God, the Divine Office. Available as a free app for your devices, you can also pray the office in your browser by clicking here.

The official site of the USCCB, which has many useful resources regarding the magisterial Catholic teaching, and where I go to get the daily Mass readings and the New American Bible.

sacred page link

Brant Pitre and John Bergsma are my go-to weekly homily resources, as far as scriptural context and exegesis. Brant, especially, is phenomenal in the area of typology—unpacking how, in St. Augustine’s words, the “New Testament lies hidden in the Old and the Old Testament is unveiled in the New.”

New Advent is definitely the foremost of my resources. I am on the daily email list, and it is through this service that I have come to know the majority of other sites on the list. The trick is keeping up, but it’s worth it. Of course is probably best known for hosting the interlinked 1917 Catholic Encyclopedia.

Community in Mission
Msgr. Charles Pope is a priest of the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., and the archdiocese webpage hosts his blog. His reflections are almost always on the lectionary readings, are very accessible, and creatively interesting, in a good way.

Haven’t read an article of his that I haven’t enjoyed.

The perennially popular source of What’s Happening Now in the Holy City, hosted by Philadelphia-area Catholic social media guru, Rocco Palmo.

Fr. Dwight Longenecker writes for Patheos Catholic, but also has his own webpage at He’s written a host of books, and his writing is wonderful.


Lighthouse Catholic Media
 is probably third in line of having the most impact on my Catholic outlook, after the Magisterium (Holy Scripture and Tradition) and St. Vincent Seminary. Rare is the occasion when I am driving and do not have a Lighthouse CD playing. I haven’t yet run across a CD that isn’t outstanding, and that is after dozens of  their many different CDs (and mp3s). Lighthouse has recently combined with Augustine Institute, which itself is a worthy Catholic link!


A ministry of Jason and Crystalina Evert, aimed and effectively impacting teens and young adults (but invaluable for adults, too) Chastity Project is another outstanding resource of Catholic books and CDs. You can get many of their resources through Lighthouse.


Stewardship: A Mission of Faith is an invaluable and generous ministry by David Abel and his family. Based in Elizabethtown, PA, Stewardship: A Mission of Faith provides the resource shelves available in many Catholic churches and schools in our area, and also encourages and provides for Gospel reflection groups and other programs which foster a healthy and active parish life.

Matthew Kelly, the man behind Dynamic Catholic, and his most popular book, “Rediscovering Catholicism,” is retooling the Catholic Church in America to be an engaging major force in American culture. Personally, I think he is dead-on in his perception of where the Church is, where she should be, and the best approach to make it happen.


There are a huge number of great Catholic apps for iPhone/Android, but I this site isn’t really about that, and I can’t vouch for the truthiness of any particular “Best Catholic Apps” source, so I’ll leave that up to others.

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